You can work across multiple workspaces at once. Create new ones for individual projects or clients, for example. Or join workspaces you're invited to by other teams. You can switch between them to work seamlessly.

Create a new workspace

When you first sign up for Notion, you'll follow steps to create your first workspace. To add an additional one, click on the name of your existing workspace at the top left of your sidebar and select Create or Join Workspace from the dropdown menu.

Join an existing workspace

There are a couple ways to join a workspace someone else has made:

<aside> πŸ‘‰ Note: If you're using Notion with a team or company, they've probably permitted anyone with their email domain to automatically join their workspace. We call this auto-join. Here's how to set this up with allowed email domains β†’


Switch between workspaces

Throughout the day, you might need to hop between different workspaces to get things done 🐰 Our goal is to make this as simple as switching between pages!